Time to reflect and elect / by ekta kapur

My Dear Friends,
This is my last and final note before the polling tomorrow the 23rd April, 2016, between 11:00 Hrs - 13:00Hrs at the Park Hotel, CP, New Delhi. Would request each one of you to come and vote as every vote is crucial and precious.
As committed yesterday, I have voluntarily offered to end my campaign by 11am today, 24 hours before the voting starts, so you all get some time in peace to reflect and make your decisions.
From the highs of our members’ enthusiasm to bring in the change and belief in my vision, to the lows of indifference and disillusionment of some of us, this campaign has been an interesting journey and a lot of learning for me as a lone challenger of Teamism, Groupism and fixed old patterns that had become a norm in our association.
I have tried to call each one of you, 340+ members to share views, most of who I could reach and chat for good 20-30 mins and some I couldn’t due to issues of connectivity. With those of you who I couldn’t connect on phone, I left a message with a link to my website with the hope that you would spend a few minutes to read about what I stand for, so you can make a conscious decision.
I have done the best that I could, so that tomorrow I donot have any regrets that I did not try hard enough to bring the change that I wanted to see.
What has made this journey worthwhile, is the overwhelming warmth and voluntary offers to help from you all. As promised, the Whats App group, ‘IATO 2016 and Beyond’ that I created will continue as a tool in our hands to express our concerns and share ideas. But this would only be possible with your participation and involvement.   
I also want to take this opportunity to say, that whosoever comes in position, we must continue to give support to them to keep the association vibrant and united.
In the end, I would like to appeal to all the contestants, to let not the victories and losses affect their enthusiasm to work for the association. We should try and build a formidable IATO and that can only happen with bonding and togetherness.
It is not about me, it is about us!
Maharaj Wahi